Success Stories

Thursday, December 1, 2022
Tanya, a 13 year old girl, came to Memory Lane Farm in the spring after several months of destructive behaviors. Her mother called to arrange time to meet as she “was at her last straw”, as her daughter had tried to take her…
Thursday, December 1, 2022
SHIP Parent Survey was sent out in May 2022. Here are some parents responses.  "Love not coming home to homework." "SHIP has been wonderful! The girls come home so happy and ask to come every day! I appreciate the program…
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Student at Marshfield High School: “I was interested in becoming a diesel mechanic, and I wanted to job shadow at Pankratz Trucking.  I was able to job shadow a dump-truck mechanic.  It was helpful to not only learn about…
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
A single mom from Marshfield contacted us needing help paying for childcare.  She had contacted us needing help paying for childcare, as she recently accepted a new job, but with that, came a pay raise an she no longer…
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
The local Scouts participate in the Scouting for Food Drive every April and they collected hundreds of pounds of food for local food pantries. Those working on the Eagle Scout Award provide large community service projects.…
Monday, August 29, 2022
We always find it excited when we get someone new to SOS that requests help. This was the case when Edward came to SOS for help with food. Edward is a single father and trying to do the best he can on his income for his…
Monday, August 29, 2022
At 8 years old, Alyssa was shy and withdrawn. She did not like speaking in front of people, and she had a hard time expressing herself. When she first met her Big Sister, Karen, she answered Karen’s questions quietly, with…
Monday, August 29, 2022
A 95 year old female, was residing with an adult child when it became a more difficult responsibility than she could handle.  The first step was to enroll her mother in the Marshfield Area Respite Care Center until other…